Monday, March 21, 2011

Alarmed for iPhone

I know this is not a normal topic for this blog, however, this is one of my favorite apps & the most useful apps on the iPhone:
Alarmed by Yoctoville

This app is awesome! It can be used as an alarm clock, for reminders, as a checklist with alarms, or even a calendar for repeated items.
I use this app everyday, all day! I have it set for repeated daily reminders like taking medication, emails to send, or calls to be made. It is a perfect app for weekly or monthly events that appear on the same day of each. 
The app has a “super reminder” feature that allows you to set the frequency that you want it to repeat. It can be set to nag you repeatedly until you complete that task. In the Super Reminder, you can edit the sound of the alert and make notes to give you more information on your reminder. There is also a chunk of sounds you set to help distinguish between each alarm. 

My favorite feature on this app is the ability to set all of your monthly task to repeat and annoy you until you complete them. There are plenty of calendar or task apps that allow for repeats, but this app is like someone tapping you on the shoulder until the task you created is completed. Since I started using this app a few months ago, I have not forgotten to complete any of my recurring items that are on my calendar.

Download this app!

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